Key Stage 1 & 2 (5-11 years)
The Primary years curriculum (Key Stages 1 & 2) builds naturally on the learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage. However, the curriculum is given breadth through other exciting subjects allowing the pupils to develop a range of skills and acquire extensive knowledge. The children’s individual talents are developed, their enthusiasms are ignited and any difficulties are addressed.
An International School
We follow the English National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6). The curriculum is a broad one. We plan cross-curricular topics in each year group with an emphasis on child initiated learning..
• playing and exploring
• active learning
• creating and thinking critically

Learning and development covers the 10 key areas of learning within the Primary Foundation Stage, which are:
Core Subjects
- English Literacy.
- Spanish Literacy.
- Mathematics.
- Science.
Additional Subjetcs (for all studentes)
- Humanities.
- Art
- PE
- Music