
Key Stages 3 & 4 (12-16 years)

In Secondary (Key Stages 3 & 4) our students receive a rich and varied diet in Years 7, 8 and 9 (6º de Primaria, 1º & 2º de la ESO in the Spanish system) allowing them to explore and develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in language, mathematics, science, the humanities and the arts. In Years 10 and 11 (3º & 4º de la ESO) they follow the following programme:


Core Subjects Options subjects (Students choose 3)
English Language ICT
English Literature Travel and Tourism
Spanish Language Sociology
Spanish Literature Geography
Mathematicas History
Coordinated Science Art and Design
PSHE Business Studies (from September 2022)

Preparing for Sixth Form

Most students take 9 IGCSE subjects giving them excellent preparation for their Sixth Form studies in Years 12 and 13. The school has a history of success in the IGCSE examinations; in June 2020 our students gained awards for their performance in their English and Travel and Tourism IGCSEs from Cambridge International Examinations.

Our Students